[WATCHinHD] Hello Superfriends! I’m back sa balakubak! Ha en Trevlig Midsommar!

What is Midsummer all About?

Swedish Midsummer traditions are thought to have their roots in pre-Christian, sun-worshipping cultures. The time of year around the summer solstice, when the darkness of night is replaced by a magical twilight, would have held special significance for people in northern climes. Despite later attempts by the church to transform Midsummer into an entirely Christian festival, it’s the pagan symbols that have stood the test of time.

Women and young children still put wild flowers in their hair, and communities across the country still decorate phallic midsommarstänger, or maypoles, for people to sing and dance around.

The best known of all the songs performed is Små Grodorna (Small Frogs). Its lyrics (The little frogs, the little frogs, are funny to observe/No ears, no ears, no tails) have very little to do with Midsummer, but nobody seems too worried.

The successful midsummer never-ending lunch party formula involves flowers in your hair, dancing around a pole, singing songs while drinking unsweetened, flavoured schnapps. And downing a whole load of pickled herring served with delightful new potatoes, chives and sour cream. All in all, a grand day out.

When is Midsummer?

Originally June 24th. Now Midsummer Eve is celebrated between June 20th-25th. Midsummer is the 22nd of June 2019.

Where can you celebrate Midsummer?

Skansen, public parks, gardens, summer cottages, in fact, anywhere in Sweden will do as long as it is outdoors!

So I made this midsummer gel mani video as to celebrate the Midsummer!

Glad Midsommar allihopa!!

#vlogNiMisay #tagalogVlog

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DISCLAIMER: Items were purchase with my own money unless otherwise stated. All opinions are honest and my own!

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Continue reading “MY MIDSUMMER FLOWER GEL MANI 2019”


[WATCHinHD] Hello Superfriends! I’m back sa balakubak! in today’s video is all about this cute le mini macaron gel manicure kit. I found it online and I am so happy that I bough it. This is the first time that I will be using a gel nail polish so please, please be calm! if you see that I apply it in a wrong way! hahaha I am not a professional so please bear with me 🙂 LOL

(I KNOW THE RESULT IS NOT THAT PERFECTLY PERFECT FOR YOUR TASTE BUT FOR ME IM HAPPY WITH IT… I know I need to learn more in applying a perfect 100% flawless gel polish I thank you 🙂 )BTW this kit is so easy to use and i really love the result! I hope you find this video interesting and fun! thank you

#ProductReviewAlaMisay #tagalogVlog

SUBSCRIBE ka na please 🙂 libre lang namn hihi Salamat :

DISCLAIMER: Items were purchase with my own money unless otherwise stated. All opinions are honest and my own!

I hope you all enjoyed watching my video and if you did please don’t forget to tap my back with BIG like 👍 and subscribe if you haven’t yet.

PLease leave comment down below. I would be happy to read it all ..💜💋