What I got for Christmas 2022๐ŸŽ„

Hello Guys! So today I’m sharing with you all the lovely gifts I got for Christmas. “What I got for Christmas” posts are always in demand in vlogging community and in blogging world as well so if you are a type of person who is allergic in watching and reading this kind of post then this is not for you ๐Ÿ˜‰. However if you are just like me who happen to love watching an unboxing video and what I got *churvaness eklabu video on YouTube then we are on the same boat ๐Ÿ˜‚ so all I can say is enjoy reading ๐Ÿ‘Œ. By the way I made the same post five years ago and if you’d like to know what I got that year click here ๐Ÿ‘‰WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS 2017.ย 

This year has been an amazing year for us with panget and I’m very thankful of everything we’ve got this year! I got my first Voxbox from influenster and another one will come probably this year or next year! What an amazing year I must say! and now receiving all this Christmas gifts from my husband and familyย  was a wonderful feeling. I got so many fantastic items that I really love and I can’t wait to share it with you guys!.

So lets start with this:

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Swedish Citizenship Application – Citizenship Journey

Today is the day that I will send my Swedish Citizenship application through post, although I already apply it online (it is a requirement and it a must!). I’amย  a bit nervous about it but at the same time my heart is full with excitement!ย  I can’t help thinking about what will gonna happen next (think positive Michelle!).

This is it pansit! Goodluck to meย ๐Ÿ˜Š

Anyway highway! before I decided to apply for my citizenship this year, I did a couple of research on my own because I wanted to make sure if I am really eligible to apply for it.ย  Someone told me I needed to reside here in Sweden for 5 years, some of my friends say 3 years with permanent permit and other say to try my luck and send LOL!ย I have lot of Filipina friends who had recently applied for their Swedish citizenship and surprisingly their stories where extremely different to one other. Some was approve in only a weeks, some takes months and some still had not yet hear any response to their application. So confusedย  about it so I headed to the Migrationsverket site to gather more informationย ๐Ÿ˜‰ a 100% detailed I must say LOL. If you like to know more you can check theย SITEย ย ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Basically what it said in the site is that you have to fullfill a certain requirements for becoming a Swedish citizen:

โ— You must be able to prove your identity
โ— You have reached the age of 18
โ— You have fulfilled the required period of residence here
โ— Have you conducted yourself well here in Sweden
โ— Have a permanent residence permit, a right of residence or residence card in Sweden.

* If you are married to, living in a registered partnership with or cohabiting with a Swedish citizen, you can apply for Swedish citizenship afterย three years. In these cases, you must have been living together for the past two years.ย It is not enough to be married to one another, you must also live together.

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