Yes I got my first ever Swedish Vovbox from influenster and im soo happy!. I received the product which is the new Jabra Elite 5 which you can see on the end of the video FREE from Influenster in exchange for my honest opinion and review 🙂
#influenstervoxbox #jabraelite5 #influenster #freegift
So what is Influenster? it is a program that sends out thousands of boxes a month full of free stuff in hopes that you’ll use your other social media influence to tell everyone you know what you think of these products. Simply like reviewing a certain products that they will sent you for free.
All about the Influenster VoxBox:
An Influenster VoxBox is a box full of full-sized free products, electronics or food that you get to review and keep. These boxes are often based on a theme but are sometimes a single product or group of products from the same company. These are truly awesome boxes that can contain hundreds of dollars worth of free stuff. In the past, I’ve seen VoxBoxes that contain a skincare line, make-up, clothes, electronics which I got right now and all kinds of bunch of products.
How to Join Influenster:
You can visit Influenster and register by email or sign up with Facebook. You’ll then receive a link in your email that you can visit to fill out your profile. Influenster is a completely free program to join and you don’t need an invite.
Want to join influenster and get your own Vovbox? Join now here:
Improving Your Chances of Getting a VoxBox by Answering Snaps, Suveys and Complet you profile setting:
On your profile, you’ll see a section called Snaps. Snaps are quick questions that determine if you qualify for a VoxBox. You’ll want to make sure that you check your Influenster dashboard frequently and answer any Snaps that you have available. Try also to review more of products that you usually use or your favorite one because by doing this you’ll get a chance to get more badges on your profile.
Pay Attention to the Influenster Emails:
Influenster will sometimes send out emails with surveys that may qualify you to receive a VoxBox. Make sure you take these surveys as soon as you can so you can possibly snag up a box full of free products. So always check your mails as much as possible.
When Influenster is going to send you a VoxBox, they’ll send you an email letting you know that it’s coming :).
Receiving a VoxBox:
If you’ve qualified for a campaign, you’ll receive your VoxBox in the mail. Be sure to visit the Campaigns section on your dashboard at this time to see what tasks you can do with your VoxBox. Mostly your reviews about the products you received.
The more Campaign you have is your Ticket to Receiving Another VoxBox:
When you’ve received your VoxBox you’ll have certain social media tasks you can do to get a campaign badge. This may include filming an unboxing video, blogging about the VoxBox, tweeting photos of the products, and posting reviews on Facebook.
Make sure you complete as many of these activities as you can, the more active you are, the greater the chance that you’ll receive another VoxBox. Close to, or when your Influenster VoxBox campaign starts, you’ll receive a survey in your email. Be sure to fill this survey out because it greatly increases your chances of getting another box full of free stuff.
DISCLAIMER: I received a sample of these products for free in exchange for my honest review. I was neither paid nor sponsored for my opinions and all thoughts reflected
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☀ What Equipment I used:
Camera : Canon G7x markII
Software Editor: Adobe Premiere ProCC-2015
Thumbnail Editor:
❤ See you on my next video ko po 😉
Take care mmmwuah! ❤