I am sending my 2024 Balikbayan box soon and I just wanted to show to you guys how I pack it inside the box and what are the things that I will going to send to them. Balikbayan box from Sweden to Philippines. Hope you like my video btw ❤️ this is the second time ko mag-pabalikbayan box! excited ako na matanggap nila sa bahay hehe :).


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Our Cottage Journey

Those of you who have been here in my blog for quite some time now know that we (my husband and I) are renovating our small cottage or as they called it “Stuga or Torp” in Swedish. I know it takes years and years of progress because we are doing it all by ourselves with a little resources and tight budget on hand, but it’s okey because we are enjoying each of every moment of it plus we’re not in a hurry to move in on it anyway! We just enjoying and learning the process of doing it.

The last owner has taken down all the roof tiles and replace it with this metal roof (which is look awful!)

Can you imagine! this is the cottage before (picture above) year 2018 when we started clearing out around the house. It surrounds with lots of bushes and apple trees, nestle in the middle of a jungle with overgrown grass. All windows are in bad shape and it has a one leaky roof.

Here at the back of the house that looks bad, the wall has so much green algae and trash everywhere.

And so autumn season comes! everything turns into yellow 🙂  it nice to see our cottage in full view and it seems like it is the first sunset that our cottage saw for a very long time.
our logs for winter season.
we stop working in the cottage for time being because of autumn and winter season. we decided to continue it early spring next year 2019.
our land include two small forest where we love exploring and foraging mushroom .

Continue reading “Our Cottage Journey”

GLAMERMAID Press-On Nails | Taraxacum

Get your very own Glamermaid press on nails:
Link to GLAMERMAID WEBSITE 👉 https://glamermaid.com/

Link of nails shown in my video:

Taraxacum 👉 Click the picture for link of the product!
Soft pink 👉 Click the picture for link of the product!
Ancient Totem 👉Click the picture for link of the product!
Dry rose/Almond 👉 Click the picture for link of the product!
Rainbow & Eyes 👉   Click the picture for link of the product!

Today I partnered up with Glamermaid to try & review their very own press on nails. Thank you so much Glamermaid for sending me a unique and high quality press-on nails. I really love them!

#glamermaid #glamermaidpressonnails #glamermaidhonestreview

DISCLAIMER GUYS!: I’m not a professional nail tech but I love doing my own gel nails as a hobby so please, please be calm! if you see that I apply it in a wrong way! hahaha. I am not a professional so please bear with me 🙂 LOL. Items were purchase with my own money unless otherwise stated. All opinions are honest and my own!

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♥ BUY in LAZADA Together Lights Up the Moment : Up to 17% OFF + FREEBIES worth 1499

👉 https://invol.co/cl2k12o

Amazon wish list 👉 :  CLICK HERE

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🍭I have made a Patreon account:

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SUBSCRIBE ka na please 🙂 libre lang namn hihi Salamat :⬇️

DISCLAIMER: Items were purchase with my own money unless otherwise stated. All opinions are honest and my own!. This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission for clicks and purchases made.

I hope you all enjoyed watching my video and if you did please don’t forget to tap my back with BIG like 👍 and subscribe if you haven’t yet.

PLease leave comment down below. I would be happy to read it all ..💜💋

Continue reading “GLAMERMAID Press-On Nails | Taraxacum”

My New Baking Tools

Hello guys! I just bought a new baking tools online and yes! it finally delivered home. I got 5 items that I know I would definitely needed for my future baking video. By the way if you’re looking for more tools, check out my Amazon storefront, where I have all my favorite tools on one page. Keep in mind that some of the links below together with the photos are affiliate links in which I can earn a small amount on each sale. These small earnings help keep this site up and running — so thank you if you’ll ever considered buying :slight_smile: and happy baking!

♥ BUY in LAZADA Together Lights Up the Moment : Up to 17% OFF + FREEBIES worth 1499

👉 https://invol.co/cl2k12o

​🍩​ The first item I bought is this kitchen Craft wood rolling pin, the size of 40 cm that is made of beech wood. The size is really decent, not too big and not too small. I always use it now whenever I wanted to make pizza and bread at home. The quality of this rolling pin is also really good. For the price I highly recommend it.

Check this link if you want to buy the same wooden rolling pin :👇



​🍩​ The second item that I got is this silicon pastry mat. Silicon mat is excellent nonstick work surface especially for making bread, cookies and pizza dough. It is a convenient surface for you to roll and cut your dough instead of doing it on your countertop I highly recommend it. The dough will slide and turn and roll easily with this silicon mat. I also like that the bottom of the mat is not coated so it does not slip around on your counter or table.

A rolling mat / baking mat with the dimensions 60 x 40 cm from Patisse made of silicone. The baking mat is used to easily roll out sugar paste, marzipan or cake batter and it has different sizes and dimensions drawn on it so you easily know how much you need to roll. Size: 60 x 40 cm. It withstands oven and dishwasher that temperatures between -60 ° C to + 230 ° C.

Check this link if you want to buy the same silicon mat :👇



 🍩. The third one is this kitchen Craft American measuring cups. This measuring cups has four different measures; 1/8 cup, 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup and 1 cup. Each measure also has dimension indications in ml which is really helpful in getting the exact measurements of the ingredients. I love the color too! it makes my baking experience so easy that I do not have to convert from American to Swedish measurement at all 😂. The cups is made of melamine and can be washed in the dish machine.

Check this link if you want to buy the same American Measuring cups :👇



​🍩​ I also got this round dough scraper (116×78 mm). With this round dough scraper, you can easily cut and shape your dough to get perfectly shaped buns and buns every time. Makes it much easier to get the dough out of the bowl and to form soft bread dough. Super happy with this purchase!

Check this link if you want to buy the same Dough Scraper :👇



🍩​ I also got this Scrap cooking angled spatula in the size 29 cm.  This stainless steel spatula from Scrap Cooking works perfectly for working with chocolate or spreading frosting over desserts and cakes. The only downside of this spatula  is it not a dish machine friendly so you’ll have to wash it by hand other than that for the price of 85 kr is not that bad.

Check this link if you want to buy the same Scrap angled spatula :👇



DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission for clicks and purchases made. Items were purchase with my own money unless otherwise stated. All products listed are items I have and/or love and all opinions are my own

PLease leave comment down below. I would be happy to read it all ..💜💋

 ♥ BUY in LAZADA Together Lights Up the Moment : Up to 17% OFF + FREEBIES worth 1499
👉 https://invol.co/cl2k12o

♥ Would you like to shout me a cup of coffee ☕️

🍭I have made a Patreon account:

Become a Patron!

SUBSCRIBE ka na please 🙂 libre lang namn hihi Salamat :⬇️

Continue reading “My New Baking Tools”


I am sending my 2021 Balikbayan box soon and I just wanted to show to you guys how I pack it inside the box and what are the things that I will going to send to them. Balikbayan box from Sweden to Philippines. Hope you like my video btw ❤️ first time ko magpabalikbayan box! excited ko na matanggap nila sa bahay hehe :).


Want to earn extra income from posting online? Be an affiliate -magpost & share ka lang sa social media mo at kikita ka na.
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So yeah here are the stuffs that I will going to put inside my balikbayan box and I know for sure that they will going to like it especially the chocolate one! hahaha!

I hope you all enjoyed watching my video and if you did please don’t forget to tap my back with BIG like 👍 and subscribe if you haven’t yet.

PLease leave comment down below. I would be happy to read it all ..💜💋

Camera : Canon G7x markII
Software Editor: Adobe Premiere ProCC-2015
Thumbnail Editor: https://www.befunky.com/

❤ See you on my next video ko po 😉
Take care mmmwuah! ❤

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Join now here: 👉 https://www.influenster.com/r/2551246

Want to earn extra income from posting online? Be an affiliate -magpost & share ka lang sa social media mo at kikit aka na.
Sign up here: https://invol.co/cl8ic5b

Amazon wish list👉:  CLICK HERE

♥ BUY in LAZADA Together Lights Up the Moment :

👉 https://invol.co/cl2k12o

♥ Would you like to shout me a cup of coffee
Buy Me A Coffee

🍭SUBSCRIBE ka na please 🙂 libre lang namn hihi Salamat :⬇️

DISCLAIMER: This video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission for clicks and purchases made. Items shown here or in videos are either won in a giveaways or sent for free/collaborations in exchange for my honest opinion and review, unless otherwise stated. All opinions are honest and my own! 💜💋

I hope you all enjoyed watching my video and if you did please don’t forget to tap my back with BIG like 👍 and subscribe if you haven’t yet.

PLease leave comment down below. I would be happy to read it all ..💜💋

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Running a blog & Youtube takes a lot of time, money and effort. Become a part of a selfless patron by buying me a coffee ☕ or sponsoring a post is really a big help! Your support is highly appreciated and it really means a lot to me. I DO Thank you 🙂

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INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/mitchhy2002/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mitchhy2002 


I’m open for product reviews/ sponsorship/ ads and collaborations etc. please email me at:  MITCHHY2002@GMAIL.COM


☀ What Equipment I used:
Camera : Canon G7x markII
Software Editor: Adobe Premiere ProCC-2015
Thumbnail Editor: https://www.befunky.com/

❤ See you on my next video ko po 😉
Take care mmmwuah! ❤