Gripsholm Castle is located in Mariefred, on the lake MĂ€laren, about an hour drive from Stockholm and 3 hours drive from GrĂ€storp (where I live right now lol). Last week my husband and I recently had the pleasure to visit and check this castle but our original plan is to wander around Stockholm and guess what!! we ended up checking the Gripsholm Castle instead and we didn’t regret it at all :). The trip was well worth it we didn’t bother the long butt-aching drive from GrĂ€storp. I asked the lady in the front desk if it’s okey to take a picture inside and they said “yes” (just to make sure lol!)

The Castle itself is really beautiful and magnificent. Very well preserved and really kept in a good condition with many rooms to see. Also known as Gustav Vasa’s Castle. It is one of the finest remaining example of Swedish architecture of the Vasa dynasty founded by King Gustav and combines with renaissance interiors but still remains essentially medieval. It has a fantastic view from the lake-side. The ground is absolutely calm and peaceful its good to walk and feel the breezy air after we have been inside the castle.