Hi guys! Its been a months now since I update my blog and I almost forget that I have a wordpress blog LOL. I realized that I am so occupied these days with all of task here at home and if happens you live in a country side like us, well you know what I mean. Ugh!🤷♀️ It seems like our whole summer/vacation is none other than house-wood-garden and vice versa! plus summer here in Sweden is so scorching hot! and it makes me feel so lazy at times when #katamaran attack. But even though I am busy at times, I’d still manage to spend a little time watching some youtube videos at night 😉 and I find myself watching hundreds of soap making videos online. I also noticed that most of them started making soap as a hobby and turn it into a business after a years of soap making. Watching them making big batch of soap makes me think it is so easy especially those who make a fancy and perfumed soap with different kind of essential oils and herbs on it (and if you check my website history you will know that most of them is all about soap making site! oh I’m obsessed about soap).
Am I weird? that I find it so satisfying to watch them making colorful swirl, pouring and cutting their own home made soap 🧼 hahaha! It is so addictive that eventually, I decided that I had to try my hand at making my own soap… well why not.. right?

Soap making is something that has always amuse and interested me. I had been wanting to try it for a very long time but I didn’t know when and how to start it, so I did some research, and found a lot of soap-making tutorials online and I spend late at night watching many youtube videos on how to make a soap from the scratch, how to calculate your ingredients and things to consider in making your first batch of soap. I can say that it is so challenging, exciting and fun! by the way I learn the basics of soap making and I think am ready! LOL.
So finally! I decided to buy my first ever soap making supplies in Organic Makers website 👈 (see picture below) and for those who don’t know what Organic Makers is, it is Sweden’s largest website for DIY organic skincare where everything you need in making skincare products is in there. They sell all natural/organic and sustainable ingredients in making skincare products plus they come in much more affordable price.

Since the site also offer simple recipe too which is the: COLD STIRRED SOAP: CLASSIC BASTILLE SOAP WITH LAVENDER,👈 I decided to make this as my first intro in soap making because it is only a small batch of soap to start with plus it is so cute and has lavender scent on it (good thing I love lavender too!) So I bought all the ingredients need in this recipe and whoa! it just came yesterday.