Whenever I hear the word GEKÅS ULLARED it always makes my heart skip happy and jump to the highest level LOL because it only means SHOPPING TIME!! Who doesn’t like shopping! right? 😉
If we have Divisoria in Philippines here in Sweden they have place called Gekås Ullared. Every Swede knows what Gekås Ullared is, it is the biggest and cheapest store to buy stuff in Sweden. Aside of that! When I first came here in Sweden, everyone I met used to ask me if I have ever been there before (guess what? one of that is my mother in law LOL!) She loved Ullared so much and so do I!.
When I went there for the first time with my panget (year 2013) I knew that the place was very huge, very cheap and very famous. Not just because many people mentioned it to me many times, but because they have T.V show. Yup! they also have a program on TV wherein they following certain employees/costumers and interviewing them as they go shopping into the store. (I love watching it too 😉)

At least once a year we always make sure to visit this place to stock up on some household supplies and any other random needs. Ullared is quite far from where we live and it takes up 2 hours drive for us to get there that’s why we save up money first and plan it ahead ( Shop till you drop kung baga!). Before Christmas is also the best time to go there to buy some Christmas stuff and gifts and you will save a lot!! You’ll get the best prices for whatever item you will buy there.

Every trolley has ID/number on it and you’ll be surprise if I say that there is a parking slots for the shopping trolley there. You need to save the number so just in case you lost you trolley they can easily find it for you 😊

You can also see the live camera streaming of the place if you visit their site Gekås Ullared/webcameraso you can check if there is lots of people in the store.
I think they sell everything in there from household supplies,fancy home decors (picture above), perfumes and bath essentials, fresh flowers, food supplies, gym equipment, home electronics to sports clothes up to a cheaper boxer shorts. Name it and you’ll have it! They have other outlet stores in the area if you feel like you didn’t shop enough LOL!

My only tips about shopping there is to have you own shopping list so that you will not getting overwhelmed thinking about what to put on your cart. Set a maximum budget money for your shopping list or else it will goes out of hand if you don’t limit your self. (well I know its hard to say NO if the price is so good LOL!)

So if you are planning to visit Sweden or maybe moving in here, don’t forget to add this place on your travel list. Knowing this place is a must LOL! As this is become part of my Swedish life! Ullared is now one of my favorite shop! next to Ikea and H&M hahaha. So till next time and enjoy shopping guys!